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A Base Line Survey Report on Strengthening Public Audit Accountability in Kenya

A Base Line Survey Report on Strengthening Public Audit Accountability in Kenya

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“TI-Kenya is currently implementing an audit accountability project aimed at contributing to an improved audit accountability process in Kenya. The project which is funded by the Ford Foundation, aims to address the poor level of usability of audit reports by the media, CSOs and citizens at large. A baseline survey was commissioned in order to provide project partners and relevant stakeholders with detailed baseline data on the environment within which audit reports are released, as well as improving transparency and accountability in the audit accountability process.

The study revealed that the public audit process is bedeviled by legislative, policy, technical and operational challenges. For instance, the OAG (Office of the Auditor General) faces major challenges in financial resources, insufficient human resource, inadequate capacity in specialized areas like mining, gas, tax and military audits, lack of adequate training to address staff capacity gaps, inadequate preparedness towards oncoming audits and delays in preparation of audit reports.”

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