Ministry Of Health Annual Work Plan For 2016/2017
The Ministerial Annual Work Plan 2016/17 is anchored on key policy and strategy
documents, including the Kenya Health Policy, 2014-2030 and the Ministerial Strategic Plan,
2014-2018 whose overall goal is to attain equitable, affordable, accessible and quality health
care for all. This goal encompasses the focus of the health sector in the medium to long term
so as to contribute to the achievement of Kenya Vision 2030. In this regard, the vision of the
Ministry is „To build a progressive, responsive and sustainable health care system for
accelerated attainment of highest standards of health to all Kenyans’. Consequently, the
mandate of the Ministry as derived from the Constitution 2010 and the Executive Presidential
Circular No. 2/2013 is Health Policy, Standards and Regulation, National Referral Services
and Capacity Building.
The Annual Work Plan, 2016/17 has been structured to conform to the guidelines provided
the National Treasury on Programme Based Budgeting within a resource based planning
framework. The Plan takes into account both the resources provided by the Government and
those from Development Partners. In total, the Ministry has been allocated KSh. 60.270
billion for 2016/17 divided into KSh. 29.090 billion for the Recurrent Budget and KSh.
31.180 billion for the development budget. This was against a resource requirement of KSh
88.5 Billion proposed in the MTEF budget process.